Ives, Charles

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Ives: Symphony No.3 "The Camp Meeting" score and parts

Ives: Symphony No.3 "The Camp Meeting"

$149.95 - $399.95
REPRINT SERIES In 1947, the symphony was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Music. Ives is reported to have given half the money to Lou Harrison, who conducted the premiere. The symphony is in three movements:    1. Old Folks Gatherin'...
Ives - The Gong on the Hook and Ladder sheet music, score and parts

Ives: The Gong on the Hook and Ladder

REPRINT SERIES The Gong on the Hook and Ladder or Firemen's Parade on Main Street, is a short composition by American composer Charles Ives. This revised orchestrated version premiered in 1934 and is scored for a chamber orchestra, consisting of a flute,...
Charles Ives "The Unanswered Question" Score and Parts

Ives - The Unanswered Question

In Charles Ives's most famous work The Unanswered Question, a miniature he called a "cosmic drama," one finds distilled his revolutionary means, and more importantly the ends of his singular art. The piece is a kind of collage in three distinct layers,...