Edition Zeza

Edition Zeza

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Prokofiev Sonata for Solo Violin Op.115 sheet music

Prokofiev - Sonata for Solo Violin Op.115

It is a little-known fact that Prokofiev's Op.115 Sonata was not originally intended as a work for solo violin, but rather for a group of twenty or so violinists playing in unison, a prevalent...
Prokofiev Symphony No.5 Op.100 Score and Parts

Prokofiev - Symphony No.5 Op.100

$199.99 - $849.95
Prokofiev's Symphony No. 5, Op. 100, is his biggest, his grandest, and his greatest symphony, a massive and monumental work that celebrates the triumph of all that is decent and virtuous over all...
Prokofiev Symphony No.6 Op.111 Score and Orchestral Parts

Prokofiev - Symphony No.6 Op.111

$169.50 - $795.00
The symphony, written as an elegy of the tragedies of World War II, has often been regarded as the darker twin to the victorious Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major.The symphony is in 3 movements (rather...
Score & Orchestral parts for Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No.2 Op.63

Prokofiev - Violin Concerto No.2 Op.63

$65.50 - $595.00
"The number of places in which I wrote the Concerto shows the kind of nomadic concert-tour life I led then. The main theme of the 1st movement was written in Paris, the first theme of the 2nd...
Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.1 Op.10 Full Score and Set of Parts

Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.1 Op.10

$77.50 - $199.95
REPRINT SERIES A one-movement concerto, it is the shortest of his five complete piano concertos, lasting only around a quarter of an hour. The first and last sections have a clear thematic...
Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.3 Op.26 Full Score and Set of Orchestral Parts

Prokofiev Piano Concerto No.3 Op.26

$125.00 - $399.99
REPRINT SERIES The concerto radiates a crisp vitality that testifies to Prokofiev's inventive prowess in punctuating lyrical passages with witty dissonances, while maintaining a balanced partnership...
Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante for Cello and Orchestra Op.125, Score and set of parts

Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante Op.125

$150.00 - $595.00
Also known as Symphony-Concerto in E minor, Op. 125,  it is a reworking of the Cello Concerto Op.58.  This "Sinfonia Concertante" is a large-scale work for cello and orchestra, dedicated to...
Prokofiev Symphony No.2 Op.40 - Full Score and Orchestral Parts

Prokofiev Symphony No.2 Op.40

$199.95 - $895.00
REPRINT SERIES Prokofiev wrote his Symphony No. 2 in D minor, Op. 40, in Paris in 1924-25, during what he called "nine months of frenzied toil". He characterized this symphony as a work of "iron and...
Prokofiev Symphony No.7 Score and Set of Parts

Prokofiev Symphony No.7 Op.131

$159.95 - $795.00
The Seventh Symphony was Prokofiev's last completed major work. It was written for the Soviet Children's Radio Division, but the simplicity of the composer's approach in the work often conceals...
Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.1 Op.19 set of orchestral parts, full score, sheet music

Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.1 Op.19

$99.95 - $325.00
REPRINT SERIES The Violin Concerto No.1 is a pivotal work, one which displays a maturation of the composer. If one compares this Concerto to Prokofiev's earlier piano concertos, it is easy to see...
Prokofiev A Summer Day for Small Orchestra, score and parts

Prokofiev: A Summer Day Op.65bis

$99.95 - $449.95
REPRINT SERIESResponding to Soviet governmental directives to produce music accessible to children, Sergei Prokofiev wrote an album of short, pictorial piano pieces in 1936. Published as Music for...
Prokofiev - Andante for Strings Op.50bis sheet music, score and parts

Prokofiev: Andante for Strings Op.50bis

REPRINT SERIES   After he departed the Soviet Union in 1918, Sergei Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) spent a fair amount of time in the U.S. concertizing. On one such tour in 1930, the Library of...
Prokofiev Divertissement Op.43 Score and Parts

Prokofiev: Divertimento Op.43

$129.95 - $489.95
REPRINT SERIES Prokofiev wrote a ballet Trapèze on a theme of circus for the touring company Boris Romanov. Trapèze was written for quintet to suit the small instrumental section of...
Prokofiev L'enfant prodigue Op.46 Score & Parts

Prokofiev: L'enfant prodigue Op.46

$189.99 - $875.00
REPRINT SERIES The Prodigal Son, or Le Fils prodigue (L'enfant prodigue), Op. 46 (Russian: Блудный сын) is a ballet created for Diaghilev's Ballets Russes by George Balanchine to music by Sergei...
Prokofiev: On the Dnieper Op.50 Ballet, score and parts

Prokofiev: On the Dnieper, Sur Le Borysthène Op.50

$189.99 - $895.99
On the Dnieper (На Днепре), Op. 51, is a ballet in two scenes with prelude and epilogue by Sergei Prokofiev. Composed in 1931 as his fourth work in the genre, it resulted from a commission by the...